Diseases of the internal organs are not uncommon in cats, especially in older animals. Of particular importance are the organs that are central to the metabolism, such as the kidneys. As the main excretory organ, they are responsible for the daily production of urine. One of the main functions is the formation of concentrated urine. If the kidneys are chronically damaged, they can no longer fully perform their two most important functions, namely urinary concentration and the discharge of substances via the urine. Cats then suffer from a chronic failure of the kidneys (insufficiency). It is one of the most common causes of death in older cats.
![[Translate to English:] Erhöhter Durst kann auf eine Niereninsuffizienz hindeuten.](/fileadmin/media/images/ratgeber/katze/nierenprobleme/animonda-katzen-ratgeber-nieren-milch.jpg)
Since the urine can no longer be concentrated sufficiently, cats urinate more. With cats you have to observe things a little more closely: Larger clumps of litter, several smaller clumps or more frequent visits to the litter tray are the first signs. Cats are usually more thirsty than normal, in other words, they drink more water. The problem with chronic kidney disease is that it is progressive, i.e. the destruction of kidney tissue cannot be stopped. Because the urinary substances, which are toxic in the body of the animal, are no longer excreted, the animal basically poisons itself. In such cases the affected animals are visibly very ill. They are not hungry, they sleep a lot, are prone to vomiting and diarrhoea and lose weight. You should always consult a veterinarian if your pet displays these signs of illness.
![[Translate to English:] Symptome einer Niereninsuffizienz](/fileadmin/media/images/ratgeber/katze/nierenprobleme/animonda-katzen-ratgeber-nieren-tierarzt.jpg)